Waterloo Architecture
The University of Waterloo School of Architecture is a leader in design education and research.
Offering a fully cooperative professional program, Waterloo Architecture is the only Canadian school of architecture to have a permanent international facility, which has operated since 1979 in Rome, Italy. The school attracts top students from across Canada and around the world and has been rated the greenest architecture curriculum in Canada.
Find out more about Waterloo Architecture.
Third year student work profiled in Cambridge Times
The Cambridge Times visited Waterloo Architecture to profile the student work in ARCH 392 Intergenerational Urban Motility and Housing.
Professor Rick Haldenby and Alum Meg Graham awarded King Charles III Coronation Medals
Professor Rick Haldenby and Alum Meg Graham (BES ‘95, BArch ‘97) were among the 30 architects who the RAIC named as recipients of the King Charles III Coronation Medal.
Masterworks 2025 Open Call for Submissions: Tracing Time
We invite recent graduates of the Masters program (within the past 2 years) to submit their research as part of an immersive exhibition entitled Tracing Time. The exhibition will ask how meaning develops through process.
The Elder's Lodge Winter 2025
The Elder's Lodge, Winter 2025 teaching series:
January 14 - The Haldimand Tract
January 21 - Creation
January 28 - The Great Law of Peace
February 4 - Clanology
February 11 - History of Six Nations of the Grand River
February 25 - Thanksgiving
March 4 - Condolence
March 11 - Frank Lloyd Wright: Native Soul
March 18 - The Grand River
March 25 - Midwinter
April 1 - Cycle of the Longhouse Ceremonies
April 8 - The Cosmology of the Longhouse
All teachings take place in the Musagetes Library Seminar Space from 12:30 - 1:30 PM.
Baby Goats de-stress event
Pet a baby goat! Hold a baby goat! Our annual winter term de-stress event takes place over lunch on the back terrace and is generously supported by The Boake Family Foundation
Design Our Climate Curriculum
How can Waterloo Architecture’s curriculum best support students confronting the social and ecological crises of climate change? Join us for an evening of climate talks, discussions and pedagogical dreaming at Riverside Gallery on Thursday, March 20th, from 5:30-7:30 pm.